A BNP leader confirmed that the BNP is responsible for the murders of 15 police officers at Sirajganj’s Enayetpur Police Station. “After the killing of 15 police officers at Enayetpur Police Station in Sirajganj, the anti-discrimination student and public movement across the country gained momentum.” On social media, a video of Sirajganj District BNP General Secretary Saidur Rahman Bacchu making this claim during a discussion meeting has gone viral.
A BNP leader confirmed that: A 32-second video has been making the rounds on Facebook since Friday morning. “The anti-discrimination movement we led in Sirajganj in 2024—if 15 police officers hadn’t been killed in Enayetpur, Sirajganj, then the backbone of Bangladesh police wouldn’t have been broken,” Saidur Rahman Bacchu is heard stating in the film. We expedited the 2024 movement by spearheading the movement in Sirajganj and shattering the police force’s backbone.”
“Hear from the words of Sirajganj District BNP General Secretary Saidur Rahman Bacchu who was behind the police killings,” is the title for a video that many people have shared on Facebook. However, due to this police murder case, former minister and senior Awami League leader Abdul Latif Biswas is presently incarcerated. Internet users have been debating his statement throughout the day in response to these Facebook posts and comments, both in support of and against it.
It has been discovered that, in an effort to boost milk production during Ramadan, a discussion meeting was arranged by Milk Vita on Thursday at their office in Baghabari of Shahjadpur Upazila, Sirajganj. Cooperative members and the organization’s chairman attended the meeting. The speech was made at the event by Saidur Rahman Bacchu, a BNP politician and the recently elected president of the Sirajganj Chamber of Commerce. He shared the comment on his personal Facebook page as well. But by Friday, the following day, after numerous Facebook conversations about the issue broke out, the video post had vanished from his account.
It is worth noting that on August 4 last year, during an anti-discrimination campaign, an attack was carried out on the Enayetpur police station, resulting in the deaths of 15 police officers, the looting of weapons, and the burning of the police station structure. Twenty-one days after the event, cops filed a bogus case at the station. In the fake case, four local Awami League leaders’ names were presented, and 6,000 unidentifiable Awami League leaders and volunteers were charged.
Former Minister of Fisheries and Livestock and ex-MP of Sirajganj-5 (Belkuchi, Chauhali, and Enayetpur), freedom fighter Abdul Latif Biswas, was caught as a suspect in the death of 15 police officers in Enayetpur on January 5 and jailed by the police.
A BNP leader confirmed that.. A BNP leader confirmed that… A BNP leader confirmed that